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A.A. Birch Building

"We are very pleased. We recently updated our system with the latest edition of the Infax Judicial Suite Digital Signage System. The system easily interfaces with our civil and criminal case management systems and has been an ideal tool for guiding the public to the appropriate location for their cases. As a result, the public does not have to go to the respective clerks’ offices asking which courtroom they should go to for their cases."

– Mr. Warner Hassell, Court Administrator, Justice A.A. Birch Building

A.A. Birch Building

The A.A. Birch Building is a six-story courthouse built in 2006 that houses both general and criminal sessions for the 20th Judicial District. The building, which consists of an entry plaza, a main lobby and courtrooms on each floor, combines state-of-the-art security with the traditional architectural style definitive of Nashville. After searching for a way to help patrons navigate the many courtrooms in the building, the Court choose Infax for the project.

The A.A. Birch Building contains a total of 15 40-inch commercial grade LED monitors throughout the facility, each utilizing the Infax Judicial Suite’s DocketCall® module. Six of the monitors are located in the lobby where all court patrons can find their name, case number, courtroom number and time of hearing in less than 60 seconds. The other eight monitors are located on floors three through six of the building and are used to display information that is specific to each floor. By implementing DocketCall in the courthouse, patrons are easily directed step-by-step to their destinations without needing to ask staff members for help.

With the help of the Infax Judicial Suite, Nashville’s A.A. Birch Building is now able to effciently manage patron traffc. By using DocketCall® to inform and guide visitors, the overall productivity of the building and its staff has increased. This system is now an important part of the facility.

In 2014, the A.A. Birch Building once again called on Infax to upgrade its hardware and software to the latest in digital signage technology. In addition to the initial DocketCall® software that was installed in 2006, Infax upgraded 14 of the 40-inch monitors to include Engage, a dual program that allows users to easily create directional signage, personalized messages, digital directories and graphics to be displayed on the monitors.

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