The Nashville International Airport selected Infax, Inc. to provide and install the company’s TRAX® Bluetooth and Video Analytics passenger queuing solution, a product that monitors passenger traffic flow in real time. To meet the airport’s needs, Infax installed 10 PoE video analytics cameras, BlueTooth sensors, and the TRAX® software solution to monitor the passenger flow in both the North and South security checkpoints. Uniquely, TRAX® uses the combined technology of both BlueTooth and Video Analytics, which increases the accuracy of the passenger flow and processing time data. Based on the data collected, the solution calculates average wait times and pushes them out to designated monitors within Nashville International Airport, as well as publish them to the airport website. This allows passengers to view the security wait times before arriving at the airport, as well as during their time spent in the airport’s pre-security concessions area. TRAX® also displays the passenger queuing data on a customized dashboard, which can be viewed on iPads, tablets or a browser, which allows airport personnel to monitor the passenger count and average wait time in both checkpoints in real time.